Is your M&A target a manufacturing company with automated production, a consumer products business with online sales and marketing or an education company that creates content for students? The increasing use and development of artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems and products, particularly generative AI, has created risks for businesses using such tools. AI plays a role in many industries and businesses whose products and services are not themselves AI. In the context of a M&A transaction, it is important to identify and allocate responsibility for these risks. Risks of AI may include: infringement (including through use of training data as well as outputs), confidentiality, IP ownership and protection (including limits on protection of IP generated by AI), regulatory (e.g., privacy, recent AI related legislation), and other risks arising from use such as indemnity obligations or managing contractor use of AI.Continue Reading M&A Transactions: Drafting AI Representations and Warranties for Non-AI Companies

AI tools such as Chat GPT and Otter are becoming common programs that employees use to help streamline business tasks. Otter, for example, is an AI Meeting Assistant that automatically transcribes and summarizes meetings in real time, records audio, captures slides, extracts action items, and generates content such as e-mails and status updates. While tools like Otter may provide quick answers or help synthesize a large volume of information, employers and employees alike should be mindful of the types of information fed to (and possibly stored in) AI programs. The use of an AI tool to, for example, record a meeting that discusses company confidential information, can give rise to claims of trade secret misappropriation.Continue Reading Mind Your Audience: Disclosure of Confidential Information to AI Programs Can Give Rise to Trade Secret Misappropriation Claims

The launch of ChatGPT 3.5 in November 2022 set up 2023 as a year for rapid growth and early adoption of this transformative technology. It reached 100 million users within 2 months of launch – setting a record for the fastest growing user base of a technology tool. As of November 2023, the platform boasted an estimated 100 million weekly active users and roughly 1.7 billion users. Notably, ChatGPT is just one of the growing number of generative AI tools on the market. The pace of technical development and user adoption is unprecedented.Continue Reading Artificial Intelligence Legal Issues – 2023 Year in Review and Areas to Watch in 2024

Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT (“GPT” stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a type of artificial intelligence model, has gained over a million users. ChatGPT is used by entities in a wide variety of industries. On March 1, 2023, OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, updated its data usage policies[1] noting that (i) OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers to train or improve its models unless customers expressly opt-in to share such data, and (ii) OpenAI also will enter into business associate agreements in support of applicable customers’ compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).Continue Reading ChatGPT And Healthcare Privacy Risks

While you were asking ChatGPT to create a 3-course menu for the upcoming book club you’re hosting or to explain the Rule Against Perpetuities, several federal government agencies announced initiatives related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated systems, focusing on the potential threats stemming from the misuse of this powerful technology. As the development and use of AI becomes integrated into our daily lives and employee work routines, and companies begin to leverage such technology in their solutions provided to the government, it is important to understand the developing federal government compliance infrastructure and the potential risks stemming from the misuse of AI and automated systems.Continue Reading ChatUSG: What Companies Doing Business with the Government Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence